
6000 Village Drive Suite 100

Lincoln, NE 68516

Phone: (402) 423-2111

Fax: (402) 423-2151

250 N 14th Street

Lincoln, NE 68508

Phone: (402) 420-8370

Fax: (402) 477-8922

We appreciate your interest. You may e-mail us at Please include your e-mail address or telephone number so we can contact you, if appropriate.

To Report Lost/Stolen Debit Card

During Business Hours: (402) 423-2111

After Business Hours: (833) 337-6075 

Report Suspicious E-mail

At NBC, we take the security of customer information very seriously. Please contact us if you have received a suspicious email, such as a phishing email, or suspect potential unauthorized activity involving your account. Please report using the following link:

Please do not send personal or other confidential information (e.g. account numbers, social security numbers, etc.) through this unsecured form. Please do not use this e-mail for communications we require to be in writing or which need immediate bank attention. Please call us instead at (402) 423-2111.


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